Friday, February 22, 2008

All through a life

Ex Sun-Times reporter Howard Wolinsky has a moving look back at his 6,001 days at the ailing Chicago paper. It's a wonderful look across the field of time at the changes that have moved the marker for journalism, from the corporate mergers of the 80s to the death-by-web of today.

I frankly thought I would finish my working days at the Sun-Times at age 65 or 66. I was a creature of habit, accustomed to getting up at 5:05am, exercising, walking the dog, gulping down my oatmeal, making that 7:35 train, waving to Ike the news vender at the Metra Electra, getting to the office by around 8:30 and putting in my workday. It was comfortable, easy, predictable. I liked it. I knew how to do the time.

But something clicked for me after that meeting. I could see a different future.